Solid is a comprehensive Next.js SaaS boilerplate, designed to streamline the development of SaaS startup websites. Featuring ...
Cascade is a free, open-source SaaS boilerplate built on the T3 Stack with tRPC and Next.js, designed to accelerate ...
Kickstart is a Next.js boilerplate aimed at fast-tracking the development of apps. It combines modern frontend and backend ...
Async Labs provides a SaaS boilerplate, an open-source web app designed for building SaaS businesses efficiently. It includes ...
SaaS Boilerplate is an open-source toolkit designed to accelerate the development of Software as a Service (SaaS) ...
Open SaaS is a free, open-source SaaS template boasting a full-stack architecture with React and NodeJS, tailored for ...
Syndrom is an all-in-one SAAS boilerplate that accelerates your development process by 10X. It offers essential features like ...
Bedrock is a full-stack Next.js and GraphQL boilerplate designed to jumpstart the development of SaaS products. It ...