
Turbojet Boilerplate

Turbojet is a SaaS-in-a-Box solution designed to accelerate the development of new SaaS projects. Built on Node.js & Express, ...

Modern Mern Boilerplate

Modern MERN is a Node.js SaaS Boilerplate designed to expedite SaaS product development using the MERN stack (MongoDB, ...

Boostack Boilerplate

Boostack is a comprehensive SaaS development kit that drastically reduces the time and effort needed to launch SaaS ...

Kickstart Boilerplate

Kickstart is a Next.js boilerplate aimed at fast-tracking the development of apps. It combines modern frontend and backend ...

Async Labs SaaS Boilerplate

Async Labs provides a SaaS boilerplate, an open-source web app designed for building SaaS businesses efficiently. It includes ...